The first quarter of 2024 was dedicated to developing and
testing the research instruments. We conducted several pilot studies to test our survey
framework, refine methodologies and gain initial insights into participant preferences
and technical requirements.
Custom Survey Framework
This project involved developing custom programs using JavaScript, PHP,
HTML5, and CSS3 to enhance website functionality and implement a survey framework.
This approach overcame the limitations of existing libre survey software,
particularly in terms of design customization and functionality. The resulting program
offers improved control over survey layout, navigation, and data storage, notably
facilitating the collection and storage of audio data— a feature uncommon in standard survey software.
Future program development contemplates rewriting the system using Go to prevent potential
runtime errors, improve data accessibility and interpretability, and establish a foundation
for future survey instruments.
Pilot results:
1. Topic preferences and task order (n=60)
Preferred task order
- Survey
- Native language task
- Three L2 English tasks
Preferred order for L2 tasks
- Monologue task
- Story re-telling task with video
- Dialogue
Topic preferences for monologue tasks
- L2 English monologue: Hobbies
- Native Language monologue: Hometown
2. Participation preferences (n=205)
- ~75% prefer computer-human voice interaction in a second language
- ~66% more likely to participate in online, self-paced studies without researcher interaction
3. Audio quality and participation challenges (n=15)
- Tested survey framework and audio data collection
- Revealed challenges in recruiting participants for dialogue tasks
4. Microphone and recording quality (n=15)
- Tested microphone quality across various devices
- Confirmed good overall audio quality for fluency studies
- Identified potential issues with environmental noise